
As you explore this webquest, answer the following questions, based upon your investigation of this webquest, thorough reading of Fablehaven, and critical thinking skills, write a 3-5 page essay addressing one of the following topics.  Your essay will be worth 20 points, graded based upon your clarity (5), grammatical and factual accuracy (5), and thoughtfulness (10).  There is an alternative creative writing exercise listed at the bottom available to be completed instead of an essay.
  1. After examining the "Mystery Creatures: Mythical or Real" slideshow under the Monsters in Pop Culture tab, how do you think entertainment fads and real scientific discoveries have influenced our perceptions as readers of Fantasy as a genre?  How, if at all, does Fabelhaven reflect some of these monster trends and how do you think history and fantasy can operate in creative dialogue with each other?
  2. Nero is an interesting choice for a character name, given the dramatic background of the historical figure of the same name.  Why do you think Brandon Mull gave his cliff troll by this loaded name?  Can you make any symbolic connections between the two historical and the fictional characters?
  3. Ultimately, Kendra must sacrifice her magical innocence and protection to save Fablehaven and her family.  Was this a fair trade?  Do you think she made the right choice by dissembling Mendigo's arms or is there another way you would have handled the situation?  What role do consequences play in our every day decision making?
  4. Some of the most compelling villains are those who began as 'good' characters but eventually 'fall' over to a darker side.  What examples of this duality are seen within Fabelhaven?  How do you think these fallen characters and creatures play a role in the creating of a theme within the novel?
  5. After analyzing Brandon Mull's biography, it becomes apparent that music, books, and movies reflect his interest in the Fantasy genre.  How do various genres and media play a part in your own creative thinking, whether it be within the artistic or literary spheres?  Are there any passages within Fablehaven where Mull pulls elements from multiple genres, either through historical references or overarching plot themes, that reflect this multi-faceted approach to creative writing? 
Alternatively, rather than writing an essay, you have the option of completing a 3-5 page creative writing project.  Your creative paper will also be worth 20 points based upon grammatical accuracy (5), clarity of narrative (5), and imagination and originality (5).  Mull stresses the importance of receiving feedback, so you will need to have at least one rough draft edited by a peer, teacher, or family member (5).
  1. After watching Brandon Mull's video on tips for young writers (the first one listed).  Reflect on your own writing and creative processes, particularly thinking about Mull's different tips.  Create your own 3-5 page creative writing project.  This should be a cohesive story, but can pull from and fall under any genre of literature. Let your creativity flow!